Himanshu Gupta – Info

hg2.jpgName: Himanshu Gupta

ID number: 2014A8PS355P

Election Commission Recommendation: 6 out of 10

Social life:

  • 2015-2016: Hostel Representative from Ram Bhawan
  • Department of Art Design and Publicity
  • Hindi Activities Society


Past Initiatives:

  1. Railway ticket counter: A railway ticker counter was set up inside our campus in November, 2015.
  2. BITSian explorer: A comprehensive one stop solution to the day to day academic issues faced by a BITSian.
  3. Biometric Scanners: Started biometric scanners for mess signings in April, 2016.
  4. APOGEE t-shirts: Carried out and distributed T-shirt signings for APOGEE 2016.



  • He was unable to improve the wifi speed in Ram.
  • Started manual entry after the list from the biometric scanner had been extracted, defeating the whole purpose
  • Had organised Ram Nite which was supposed to be full of fun and frolic, but turned out to be a disaster.
  • Wants Hindi Activities Society to have a StuCCAn
  • Age >> BMI
  • A big fan on Dora the Explorer and hence named his initiative after her – BITSian Explorer.



As the role of the Election Commission is to disseminate information here are a few questions that Himanshu Gupta needs to answer and email them with his BITS Mail account at electioncommissionsubitspilani@gmail.com. The answers submitted by him will be displayed here at 11:59 pm on 15th August, 2016.

  1. What will you do if the student doesn’t return his cycle to the designated spot? Will he be fined?
  2. What action will you recommend for someone in the Union Council who isn’t taking steps to complete his manifesto?
  3. Why should someone pay for the excess electricity bill caused by these low power coolers when he/she isn’t using them?